Market Report Health Check

Ranking high on Google listings is crucial because it increases visibility, credibility, and the likelihood that potential customers will visit your website, leading to higher traffic and potential sales.

If your competitors rank higher than you on Google, you could miss out on approximately 75% of potential clicks, as studies show that the top three search results receive about 75% of all clicks.

This report is checking the health of your website, which dictates how your rank when searched by a keyword on google.

On Page SEO Score

This score is generated using the available data on your main webpage.


How many times is our suggested keyword for your business found on your main page

Google Rank

We search your business and see where it's ranking

Google Registered

Do you have a business profile that is easily found by potential customers

Web Vitals

How's your website performance. This factors in a variety of speed and performance tests

Want a full report detailing all of the health checks?
Get in touch and we'll get you a full health check completed with the recommended steps to make your website great! 

A full report costs £140 and is generated within 48 hours

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